► Crimson Raiders vs Northern Gods

Even though Crimson Raiders had a stacked week, we were very interested in fighting Northern Gods. We have heard and seen how fast of a rising clan they are and we decided to ask for a fight. Many clans on Rsc have been ranking them above us and we decided to show who the true better clan was. The fight was scheduled for earlier today and really was a one sided fight the entire time. The fight was all styles corrupt allowed 2 hour cap pvp east tree to spiders. The fight was out of our preferred timezone by 3-4 hours or so, so we didnt expect a great pull to begin with. We were actually pretty surprised by their pull but didnt really worry about it too much.

Cr Starting: 132

Ng Starting: 102 (confirm?)

The fight was very one sided as I said. 10 mins into the fight when we had NG down to about 60 options or so (a guess), their vent got ddosed and they were spamming for us to get off. We gave them 5 mins to regroup and get a vent until the fight began. During that time the supposed "Ac" started killing off a few NG members. We then killed half the ac before they got to single and they were really not a factor for the rest of the fight. The fight began again and almost as soon as it had begun their vent got ddosed again. We gave them 5 more mins before the fight would begin again, the fight started and NG only had about 30-50 options. They were quickly cleared and some ran to single, but we dont mind. In the end, Cr cleared the rest of the Ac and watchers and thanks for the fight NG :).

Cr ending: 153

Ng Ending: 0 - walked out.

Thanks for the fight guys, keep your heads up Ng. Your a great and upcoming clan, keep up the good work and thanks again for the fight :)

from: http://www.zybez.net/community/index.php?showtopic=1258194&st=0&start=0