► Team Nigeria's Night Out.

Team Nigerians Nights out

So we started massing, near 10pm EST hearing CL was out. Knowing we could MAYBE have a fight, we went and massed. We did a quick massing, id say 15 mins massing. We headed off with 15 people, with more late comers on the way.

So we found Chivalry Legions..

Team Nigeria starting: ~70 opts
Chivalry Legions starting: ~45 opts ?

After around 5 mins of fighting, with our good pile transition and all, we cleared them pretty quick.

Tn Ending: ~90
Chivalry Legions ending: ~20-30.. Walked to Moss Giants.


After clearing CL.. Thinking we would have a better fight, Hoping maybe Team Kenya would be out, but soon realizing we were only dreaming and realizing we would only get a fight at 4am EST we continued onto hunt for clans as we had a solid 100+ opts and didn't want it to go to waste, we killed a few randoms but there were no clans to fight, we got some delicious loot. After searching we went back to EoS vs Vr's world and hit a few DI hitting our RoT Members, a few more CL standing around.

We hopped to 136 and rushed DA who had about 70 opts, the fight lasted 5 minutes as they all fled to single.

After a while, we heard PH was at GDZ, so we went to there world and we meet them at GAP.

TN starting: 90

Ph starting: Probly 100-120 (Like usuall)
no pics, sorry.

Tn ending: ~

Ph: ~ Like 80.. All to single.

Random pictures:


Another Legend ^