► RSD vs Brutality

Brutality approached us for a matched options PKRI on Monday, we thought it would be fun and gladly accepted.

Turrets Arena
Best of 3 rounds
First to 100/200 kills
PvP Gear
Single Spells
Matched options
clash on sight

Round 1:

Round 1 was pretty quick paced, it started with us rushing Brutality taking an early lead. Swift KO's and good transitions took us through the fight pretty quickly, so we decided to do 200 kills for the second round.

Round 2:

Round 2 was much closer, we manged to take an early lead by about 10 kills but the fight stayed neck and neck to the very end, goin up to 190 to 190 kills. We managed to pull off a spectacular last 30 seconds though and took the win.


Good Fight Brutality, was probably the closest PKRI CWA fight we have ever been in.