► Autark Wins Again. Defeats Godz, 1 hour cap CWA Run-in Turrets

POSTED BY Sgt.Pepper CLAN OF Autark


We had a 4 day prep, Full Out CWA Run In 1 Hour Cap (should have been longer though :P ).

Clan wars run in!
Turrets arena
Meele+binds ONLY
No corrupt
Attack on sight
Rings are allowed

Autark memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=autark
Godz memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=spencstar

At first we outnumbered Godz by 1, but then they had a couple latecomers arrive, which made things a little more difficult, but we were very organized in how we called out our piles, our Snipers did a great job of keeping mark of how low Godz members were, etc.

We were very quick with many of our KO's, but Godz has some good tanks as well.

Godz peaked at 28 people.
Autark peaked at 24 people

Autark Starting Opts:

Godz Starting Opts: (no pic avaliable, but look at our starting opts pic for #)

Random Pics from War:

Ending Opts:

Autark's First Turrets CWA Run In. We did amazingly well. Godz had some very decent low level tanks though.

Gf Godz.

Good Job Autark! :D

Warlord of Autark