► Flying Hippos Vs. Northern Gods [mage Bank]


After we heard from our spy that Northern Gods are Mage bank pking with rambo gears, we quickly massed 15 people to hit them. We had our hit n' run bait waiting at world 137 mage bank, and after a while he got full tbed by Northern Gods. We were DD'd near axe hut and the bait had all of them falled in on him.

Flying Hippos starting: 45

Northern Gods: 66 (confirmed, thanks Juuhonber)

When they saw us rush them they were screaming log out on vent but we managed to catch some of them near Ardy webs. Str Purer007 was in a rambo gear and we got a teleport block on him and after a while he died for max mage & vesta's longsword. We catched their TBer (Mr Miika92), we didn't even tb him seeing he got d bow'd the crap out. We managed to get 6 hybrid kills and craploads of tank kills.

After this Northern Gods banked for 1 item. We had a member on lunar spells and we healed Eba9 out for an Armadyl Godsword ().
After Eba9 died NG called the trip off.


Flying Hippos ending:

Thanks for the fight Northern Gods, was fun to see you guys in P2P aswell. Hopefully we will see more of these fights? wub.gif

Vid of Hippos hitting Northern Gods when they were killing returners of a clan fight (DF vs RoT)


Some more tank/hybrid kills (notice NG members ragging):