► Tbe V Cs Forces, F2p Full out war.

POSTED BY Gaara1276 clan of The British Elites


Cs Forces.

Ronaldo_9100 approached Cs Forces for a full out war, and they kindly accepted. With specualations of TBE dying we wanted to show we were getting stronger after a slump , and tonight showed this. Lillefigo Came to lead and the Pk eladers and I agreed. But we didnt need to call he was on fire tonight ;)


With some good quick Calls We soon put them down, I got piled and tanked for 5-6 kills, and the other people who had to tank did well whilst the pile's were ripping them apart. The binds were constant, the calling was constant, TBE's performance was constant.


TBE is only getting better atm, apps are coming in, next week you'll see a pull of 40+ ;) GF CSF :)

Random pictures :

Gf CS Forces? :)

For Queen and country <3>

Thats it for the mo -