► Divine Forces Versus Runescape Dinasty - P2p Fight, ~1.5 Hour Deep Wildy P2P Fight.

POSTED BY XshinobizX CLAN OF Divine Forces

We had a Pktrip going led by Tacoman55/Dennisnator0 & many other DF that was not mandatory (around 60 options) and we heard RSD was out so we went to Membergates & called more DF. We did not make it mandatory until RSD rushed because we did not know if they were really rushing us or not. At about 10:20 PM EST, RSD rushed us into our 90 options at Membergates. The fight started out pretty balanced. I admit RSD had a good start but we picked it up & the fight wasn't looking to end anytime soon until we made one big regroup and started clearing them at East of spiders. We made them go to Greaters. At the Greaters spot, they started hitting anyone who came near them and took a large regroup. So we just rushed there but as time went on, we weren't realizing that they were barraging us with all of their mages. However we easily went through that tactic and started camping on their mages. In fact I know one of their mages got around 23 deaths which is quite high for a 90ish minutes fight if I'm honest.

While we were taking over Greaters, RSD numbers weren't growing while ours were growing just a little bit (barely got a few people the last 30 minutes of the fight). If I'm honest, it was all about Organization. I'm glad we proved RSD that we can easily take them in P2P, once again. Thanks for the fight RSD but I know we both can admit that you could have ended this fight much sooner.

I must thank RoT for ACing our fight. Thanks for repaying us for earlier in the day, we appreciate it.

Divine Forces Starting: ~90 Options

RuneScape Dinasty Starting: ~90 Options (I know they had more but meh I'll keep it like this)

Divine Forces Ending: ~165 Options

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Once again, good fight RSD. We performed well DF, have a good night