► Divine Forces Defeat Violent Resolution


Upon finding out that VR had a sign up mandatory pk for today, DF decided to do the same. On the original topic on VR forums it clearly stated that clans like "EOS/DF/Corr", etc were going to be out. Once VR realized we were going to come for them they changed their topic and prepped extra hard for this fight. Evizu made his topics to inspire VR and I did the same for DF and each clan was ready for an epic battle. Both clans were 100% sure we would be fighting today.

As the fight day approached VR had about 104 or so yes and DF had a similar amount of yes. Knowing it was going to be near even ops we expected a long and difficult fight. I think VR did end up peaking at over 100 but their starting seemed to be around 280 or so. As the fight started DF took early control due to having the numbers advantage and our organization was supreme. A couple of hours into the fight when it seemed that VR were going to be forced to call it off, DK decided to show up and crash DF. For the record VR did indeed offer to stop and clear DK, however I declined because we didn't want to give VR the chance to regroup. We managed to fight both VR and DK until AC showed up.

On that note a huge thanks goes out to Damage Inc., Runescape Dinasty, Shadow Elves, Corruption Independent Alliance and Reign of Terror for all doing their part in keeping the fight between DF and VR.

After DK crashed the fight went back and forth for awhile but DF never felt really threatened. We hardly ever saw VR's main pile due to our snipers controlling them for the entire fight. For the record since VR seemed to claim DF were "regrouping", we weren't. We simply did not want to pile your snipers at greaters so we would kill snipers until we got to gds, then walk west and do it again, rinse and repeat.

At one point we sent so many snipers that our main pile was struggling so we combined snipers and our main pile for about 5 minutes before breaking off once again and taking control until VR called it off. That was our one regroup to get our organization back and after that the fight was never in question.

Thank you VR for a tough fight, I'm sure we'll see you guys again soon. Personally I had 2 or 3 deaths and 2 kills with some assists.

DF Starting Ops: 348
VR Starting Ops: 280-290

DF Ending Ops: 306
VR Ending Ops: 0, called it off

Fight Pics ~

DF Starting -

DF Ending -

Some random kill/assist pics -