► Eb's Brief Night Out, Featuring TS

POSTED BY: Guerrero of clan Eternal Brethren

Once in a blue moon EB go P2P PKING. Tonight we went out with about 25 people prepared to basically slink around low level 20s in wilderness. We made our way to FOG and immediately were rushed by Tainted Souls and their superiority complex. We outnumbered them and overwhelmed them, killing them all or ROLing them. We then moved north towards the chaos altar and were again rushed by TS. Again, we had numbers, levels and organization on them, smashing them. From then on we defending at the chaos altar while TS members; including their leader, came in one at a time, fully geared. Rather odd ^.-.

I had to leave at that point and am unaware of any further fights. I am aware that we spent some time at clan wars but don't know what happened.

This wasn't really a huge trip and we didn't intend to post it, but given our history with TS, we thought it might be nice.

We didn't get any drop pics, but for your delectation and delight, we've got a few dodgy pictures of the fight.

What's this? TS 1 iteming? I thought you were an honour clan?

Thanks for the fight TS. I'll be honest, it was flame free, then again, it's not easy to flame in the positions we were in.