► RuneScape Cheats & Tips - a couple easy money making tips

~first way~
32 cooking+

ok, first go to cook guild and talk to rommily weaklax on first floor. he will tell you that he has run out of pies and that you have to get him some. once you have the pies, talk to him again and give him the pies and he will pay you! keep repeating this process until you have a decent amount of money.

~second way~
40 fishing+

go to catherby with a lobster pot. keep fishing for lobbys until you have about 7k lobbys. then go to grand exchange and put the lobbys up for sale. they should sell immediatally and you should make about 1.2m. if that isn't enough, then keep fishing for more lobbys. i made 284m by doing this!

~third way~
must have finished rune mysteries(very easy)
30 mining+

ok, go to aubury in varrock. right click and click on teleport. you should end up in some mines. once your in the mines, go to one of the fragments and start mining. you should mine pure ess. once you get full inventory, use the portal and go to bank right above aubury's shop and bank the pure ess. do this until you get about 15k-20k pure ess. then sell them at grand exchange. i got loaded with cash by doing this.

well, i hope i helped all you poor people out there. if you need anymore tips, add me on your friends list