► RuneScape Cheats & Tips - a guide to crafting

pottery- pottery is a rather cheap beginners way of using crafting. you can mine a little and get a small amount of experience. you can't sell the pots or bowls for good money. You cant even use the dang things. so scratch that one off the non member crafting list.

hmm....what else can we non members do???

leather making-well, this takes more money to get the hides, thread, and needle then you get profit from there sales. Leather making is a great experience gained though. I got from level 1 to 36 just on leather. All you have to do is go to the cows near lumbridge and fight the cows and get the dropped hides, or just pick em up off the ground(ppl are so wasteful). then go to al kharad and use need le and thread to make leather items. do this over and over and over(until u get sick of it) and eventually you will have a high enofe level to make some good jewelry. What you have to do is mine som gold and silver from the al kharad mining area(north of al kharad) and smith them into bars at the furnace. then get a mold(any mold) and make the item you want. you can also buy gems from the gem trader(also in al kharad) and add them to the jewelry. Once finished, sell them to the general store for some extra cash. see, you can do all of this in one city!

then you can get into the crafting guild

the crafting guild is one of the best guilds
there are many free items, lots of great empty mining spots(clay, gold and silver)and don't forget the herds of cows! on my first hour in the guild i grew 1 mining level and 5 crafting levels. the vrafting guild is the best spot to mine silver and gold(the best!!). there is nobody ever there and there are tons of rocks. you will enjoy it at level 40. just don't forget your brown apron!